Hello Dear Today we are Going to share Final Ank 143 Kalyan Data If you are Interested In Kalyan Game Then You Should Defiantly Check This Final Ank 143 Kalyan Data
Final ank is the Most Important Number for Kalyan Game Every person Want Final Ank To Get More Money and Earn Lot.
In this Article we are going To put all Table sheet Data List of Final Ank with Date Wise to Help you more Accurate Prediction
So with out any waste of Time Lat’s Get Started.
Read Also-: Kalyan Panel Chart
- Kalyan
- Main Ratan
- Milan Day
- Milan Night
- Rajdhani Day
- Rajdhani Night
Table of Contents
Final Ank 143 Kalyan | Rajdhani Day | Milan Day
In This Table You can see Kalyan and Main Ratan Data List Daily Update with Date Wise
If you Want Daily Update You Can Check SattaKingCharts.com website and Get Date Fast.
25/12/20 Fri | =0=(157-32-679) | =2=(348-51-128) |
26/12/20 Sat | =3=(178-65-500) | =*=(–) |
27/12/20 Sun | ==(–) | ==(–) |
28/12/20 Mon | =5=(579-19-559) | =8=(160-78-125) |
29/12/20 Tue | =2=(990-82-660) | =4=(446-41-245) |
30/12/20 Wed | =8=(458-71-245) | =5=(114-63-157) |
31/12/20 Thu | =1=(690-54-248) | =0=(579-19-469) |
01/01/21 Fri | =3=(889-55-159) | =1=(489-18-279) |
02/01/21 Sat | =6=(680-46-169) | =*=(–) |
03/01/21 Sun | ==(–) | ==(–) |
04/01/21 Mon | =5=(346-36-880) | =5=(269-73-670) |
05/01/21 Tue | =7=(678-18-468) | =8=(660-20-127) |
06/01/21 Wed | =8=(330-63-148) | =2=(290-16-240) |
07/01/21 Thu | =0=(124-74-680) | =9=(579-13-355) |
08/01/21 Fri | =4=(459-82-589) | =7=(149-48-378) |
09/01/21 Sat | =6=(120-31-579) | =*=(–) |
10/01/21 Sun | ==(–) | ==(–) |
11/01/21 Mon | =3=(570-29-135) | =3=(167-48-125) |
12/01/21 Tue | =5=(159-59-450) | =5=(147-20-488) |
13/01/21 Wed | =6=(122-52-147) | =0=(234-99-135) |
14/01/21 Thu | =0=(136-06-150) | =8=(455-47-133) |
15/01/21 Fri | =1=(880-62-778) | =6=(259-60-235) |
16/01/21 Sat | =7=(125-80-334) | =*=(–) |
17/01/21 Sun | ==(–) | ==(–) |
18/01/21 Mon | =3=(140-52-200) | =1=(460-08-459) |
19/01/21 Tue | =4=(148-30-145) | =4=(190-08-567) |
20/01/21 Wed | =5=(490-36-448) | =9=(127-01-380) |
21/01/21 Thu | =8=(500-52-345) | =2=(137-19-450) |
22/01/21 Fri | =6=(168-53-120) | =7 =(256-39-289) |
23/01/21 Sat | =3=(127-03-779) | =*=(–) |
24/01/21 Sun | ==(–) | ==(–) |
In This Table, You can see Milan Day and Milan Night Data List Daily Update with Date Wise
If you Want Daily Update You Can Check the SattaKingCharts.com website and Get-Date Fast.
25/12/20 Fri | =3=(370-02-345) | =9=(489-14-400) |
26/12/20 Sat | =8=(480-27-359) | =1=(168-54-149) |
27/12/20 Sun | ==(800-86-123) | ==(–) |
28/12/20 Mon | =2=(480-22-679) | =6=(348-56-178) |
29/12/20 Tue | =3=(338-44-239) | =4=(668-05-230) |
30/12/20 Wed | =0=(160-74-338) | =8=(468-83-238) |
31/12/20 Thu | =1=(148-30-226) | =8=(299-08-468) |
01/01/21 Fri | =0=(380-16-178) | =8=(346-30-668) |
02/01/21 Sat | =9=(230-56-150) | =0=(167-44-149) |
03/01/21 Sun | ==(125-87-359) | ==(–) |
04/01/21 Mon | =7=(140-55-249) | =2=(238-38-125) |
05/01/21 Tue | =9=(248-47-359) | =0=(449-73-247) |
06/01/21 Wed | =6=(800-83-256) | =2=(135-91-146) |
07/01/21 Thu | =3=(234-98-288) | =2=(246-22-129) |
08/01/21 Fri | =0=(330-68-459) | =5=(480-27-566) |
09/01/21 Sat | =1=(147-28-990) | =8=(390-22-570) |
10/01/21 Sun | ==(135-94-167) | ==(–) |
11/01/21 Mon | =6=(130-40-127) | =1=(136-08-233) |
12/01/21 Tue | =2=(446-46-178) | =7=(250-75-889) |
13/01/21 Wed | =9=(168-56-178) | =4=(345-26-899) |
14/01/21 Thu | =6=(460-01-579) | =1=(677-09-225) |
15/01/21 Fri | =4=(277-66-349) | =5=(456-50-190) |
16/01/21 Sat | =8=(234-95-780) | =0=(257-44-680) |
17/01/21 Sun | ==(368-79-234) | ==(–) |
18/01/21 Mon | =1=(589-25-690) | =6=(569-07-269) |
19/01/21 Tue | =2=(349-65-348) | =9=(127-05-249) |
20/01/21 Wed | =4=(177-53-139) | =6=(569-06-268) |
21/01/21 Thu | =3=(466-69-669) | =8=(239-42-129) |
22/01/21 Fri | =5=(338-44-248) | =0=(679-25-159) |
23/01/21 Sat | =5=(300-33-148) | =8=(237-21-489) |
24/01/21 Sun | ==(360-92-237) | ==(–) |
In This Table, You can see Rajdhani Day and Rajdhani Night Data List Daily Update with Date Wise
If you Want Daily Update You Can Check the SattaKingCharts.com website and Get-Date Fast.
25/12/20 Fri | =6=(346-37-278) | =0=(578-03-238) |
26/12/20 Sat | =5=(779-35-690) | =*=(–) |
27/12/20 Sun | ==(–) | ==(–) |
28/12/20 Mon | =8=(458-71-579) | =4=(390-24-257) |
29/12/20 Tue | =8=(158-42-589) | =9=(123-62-129) |
30/12/20 Wed | =2=(257-44-347) | =7=(380-11-245) |
31/12/20 Thu | =7=(468-86-367) | =2=(116-89-469) |
01/01/21 Fri | =2=(134-82-336) | =5=(266-48-567) |
02/01/21 Sat | =7=(226-06-169) | =*=(–) |
03/01/21 Sun | ==(–) | ==(–) |
04/01/21 Mon | =0=(160-75-690) | =5=(580-37-269) |
05/01/21 Tue | =1=(136-07-458) | =3=(567-84-680) |
06/01/21 Wed | =9=(467-76-899) | =0=(155-18-233) |
07/01/21 Thu | =7=(360-99-379) | =8=(380-11-560) |
08/01/21 Fri | =8=(477-85-267) | =3=(349-66-259) |
09/01/21 Sat | =5=(359-70-578) | =*=(–) |
10/01/21 Sun | ==(–) | ==(–) |
11/01/21 Mon | =0=(169-68-350) | =5=(129-24-257) |
12/01/21 Tue | =8=(400-43-157) | =4=(157-35-799) |
13/01/21 Wed | =6=(146-16-448) | =1=(159-52-336) |
14/01/21 Thu | =3=(258-52-138) | =8=(689-39-559) |
15/01/21 Fri | =8=(122-51-128) | =2=(167-42-480) |
16/01/21 Sat | =4=(568-99-180) | =*=(–) |
17/01/21 Sun | ==(–) | ==(–) |
18/01/21 Mon | =7=(577-94-167) | =2=(158-47-278) |
19/01/21 Tue | =5=(257-43-779) | =8=(478-99-559) |
20/01/21 Wed | =8=(278-79-568) | =2=(225-95-168) |
21/01/21 Thu | =7=(249-52-237) | =2=(447-54-590) |
22/01/21 Fri | =8=(236-11-588) | =3=(237-23-670) |
23/01/21 Sat | =2=(180-95-113) | =*=(–) |
24/01/21 Sun | ==(–) | ==(–) |
Final Ank 143 Kalyan |Main Ratan| Milan Day | Rajdhani Night
What is Final Ank 143?
Internet Pay The website that runs its Guessing Forum and has its Final Ank User in Free or takes some money in all of them this is also the same Website.
Final Ank said?
The website that claims to be its The website pay offers 100% open to close fix ank. All of them some of them have ank pass, some even fail gets and has some website that charge up to Rs 2000 Indian for fix mankind claims to send you to WhatsApp final ank a few hours before the result but how many of this the truth is that you can try yourself and know. Final ank given the name of the top K10 website is as follows.
Rajdhani Night Chart 2021
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- Rajdhani Night Chart July 2020
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- Rajdhani Night Chart May 2020
- Rajdhani Night Chart April 2020
- Rajdhani Night Chart March 2020
- Rajdhani Night Chart February 2020
- Rajdhani Night Chart January 2020
Kalyan Panel jodi Chart 2021
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- Kalyan panel Jodi Chart October 2020
- Kalyan panel Jodi Chart November 2020
- Kalyan panel Jodi Chart December 2020
Important-: If you have Any Queary and Questions Then Ask in Comment Section with any Hesitation.
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